The Apostle Peter: Redemption Full Movie Part 1

The Apostle Peter: Redemption Full Movie Part 1 Average ratng: 4,4/5 9840reviews

What is the Invisible War?, Part 1. Transcript. When you talk about spiritual warfare, and you think of the Christian community, you have the spectrum, don't you?  I mean, that raises issues like, “They're gonna teach that here?”  And over here, you have people that, I mean, it is what they talk about all the time, and demonic spirits, and territorial spirits, and there are all kinds of things with the unseen world.  And then, you have whole branches of Christendom that would intellectually acknowledge that, “Yes, the Bible talks about Satan and demons, but you know, that was probably at another time, in another world, and I don't really see that stuff playing out, in our day, in this way.”.

Heaven is the place where God dwells. It is a location that is wholly spiritual in nature. Christianity defines heaven as being in the presence of God with places. Watch First Sunday Online (2017). S. LEWIS JOHNSON 2 Peter Sermon Series. Peter 1:1-4 God's Great Gift for the Days of Apostasy 3; 2 Peter 1:5-11 Making Your Calling and Election Sure.

And sometimes – I don't know about you, but if you flick the little clicker on TV, and you hear someone talking about spiritual battle, and . I've heard, literally, some of the most wacko stuff I've ever heard in my life.  Have you ever just thought to yourself, I wonder what the Bible actually teaches? And so, what I wanna tell you is, we're gonna do Spiritual Warfare 1.

The heresies, contradictions and lies of brother Peter and Michael Dimond of Most Holy Family Monastery Exposed. John Marston is a central character and the main protagonist of Red Dead Redemption and Undead. Bob Jones and Paul Keith Davis 2005 Shepherd's Rod, Part 1 (Part 2 Coming) by Bob Jones and Paul Keith Davis Day of Atonement - September 25, 2004.

And then, next session will be Spiritual Warfare 2. This is just like a college class.  And then, we're gonna go to Spiritual Warfare 3. And then, we're gonna get to graduate work, and we're gonna do Spiritual Warfare 4. But here's the one promise I wanna make.  I make no claim, whatsoever, to be an expert in this area, but what I wanna tell you is this: There are extremes in the Christian community, but the Bible is very clear.  There are certain things that we can come together, and open the Scriptures, and we can know, 1.

The Apostle Peter: Redemption Full Movie Part 1

God says about the area of spiritual warfare.  Because we're not gonna jump all over the world.  You're gonna open your Bibles to Ephesians 6, and we're gonna study, for the next few days, in four sessions, chapter 6, verses 1. And what we know is the Apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesian church, and in the first three chapters, he told them, “This transformation, this amazing thing occurred.  You're brand new.  You're accepted; you're redeemed.  You have an eternal inheritance.  You've been bought with a price.  The Spirit has sealed you.  There's this brand new thing.”. In chapter 2: “You were in the kingdom of darkness.  You've been ransomed.  Now you're in the Kingdom of His beloved Son.  There's this new entity called the Church.  And it's been a mystery, but it's been in the mind and the heart of God since eternity past – Jew, Gentile, one new thing, new relationship.”.

The Apostle Peter: Redemption Full Movie Part 1

And then, chapter 4 opens up and says, “With this supernatural, new life that you have with God the Father, through your relationship with Christ, by the Holy Spirit dwelling in you, walk in a manner worthy of your calling.”  And chapter 4 will talk about walking in purity, walking in light. Then, chapter 5 will say, what's it look like to walk in the light, and walk in purity, and to walk in love?  And it talks about relationships with husband and wife.  And then, chapter 6 will open up and talk about with children, and then slaves. And so, He's given us the entire orb, or sphere, of living the Christian life: “This is what happened.  This is who you are.  This is how to do it.  This is what it looks like.”.

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And then, in chapter 6, beginning at verse 1. By the way don't forget this.  This new life will be lived out in a hostile environment.  You live in a fallen world.  You are brand new, but you still have the flesh, and the flesh wages war against the Spirit."  Right?  Galatians. But not only is it a fallen world, a sinful world, things aren't the way God created them.  He will make it all right one day, but it's a fallen world.  You have this battle going on between the Spirit and the flesh, and there is a supernatural, angelic being, who fell from Heaven, who took a third of the angels with him, and his job, and his goal, and his strategy is to destroy your life, to murder you – spiritually, emotionally, relationally, physically.  He wants to take you out.  He wants to ruin your life.  He wants to ruin your marriage.  He wants to ruin your children.  He wants to split your church.  He wants to have you overwhelmed, deceived, believing lies, and be rendered completely ineffective in this new relationship with Christ, so that the Church and the Gospel are discredited, and you become a miserable person, and all the work of God, and the work of the cross, and the Resurrection is for naught.”. And what he's gonna say is, “You better get your chin strap, and you better buckle it, because this new life that you're living is in a very difficult spiritual environment you are involved in.  You can be aware of it, or you can not be aware of it, but you're in an invisible war.”. So, open your Bibles to Ephesians 6: 1.

Spiritual Warfare 1. This is the central teaching of the entire New Testament on spiritual warfare.  So, let's cover verses 1. I wanna develop five basic truths – I mean the most elementary, basic truths about spiritual warfare – out of Ephesians 6: 1. The apostle Paul says, "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.  Put on the full armor of God" – why? Devil."  This reason: “For [the struggle,] our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.". Now, in the margin, you might write two commands.  In verses 1.

The first command is in verse 1. Be strong in the Lord" – and then, it tells you how – “and in the strength of His might."  Whatever we know about this battle, it's not about you mustering up certain strength, or doing something on your own.  There is strength available.  There is power available.  And the only way to win this war is, “Be strong in the Lord,” in what you already possess that He's told you about in Ephesians chapters 1, 2 and 3. Now, for those of you that like a little bit of the grammar, this is in the present imperative – that means it's a command – and it's in what's called, grammatically, the “passive voice.”  And that doesn't mean a lot to you, so, notice, in the notes, it says, "Verse 1.

The passive voice means, you can't do it, but you have to allow God to do something.  Yet, it's a command to obey.