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One hundred and fifty years ago, the corporation was a relatively insignificant entity. Today, it is a vivid, dramatic and pervasive. Inside the Koran Full Movie. Disclaimer: You can watch Inside the Koran online for free in by streaming in our video player after pressing the play button.

This show will preview an Inside Islam conference on Green Faith that will be held on March 6th at the Pyle Center at UW-Madison. Posted in Radio. Regions & Themes.

Inside Out. Subscribe Now. Wheels. Maid jailed for five years for tearing Quran. A 22-year-old Indonesian housemaid who tore up a copy of the Quran at her. Watch Inside the Koran (2009) online free - Inside the Koran: An examination of one of the most influential books in the world, the Koran, which guides the Muslim. Watch Inside the Koran online free - An examination of one of the most influential books in the world, the Koran, which guides the Muslim religion. STREAMING LINKS.

Inside (2. 00. 7) by Jilllahmers.

Could this Quran curb extremism? CNN)On a warm November night in Washington, a small group of American Muslims gathered at Georgetown University to celebrate "The Study Quran," new English translation of Islam's most sacred scripture. By the next evening, several said, the need for the book had become painfully apparent. The Islamic State had struck again, this time slaughtering 1.

Paris. The group quoted the Quran twice in its celebratory statement. On Friday, investigators told CNN that ISIS also may have inspired this week's massacre in San Bernardino, as one of the suspects allegedly pledged allegiance to the group in a Facebook post. After the Paris attacks, President Barack Obama renewed his call for Muslim scholars and clerics to "push back" against "twisted interpretations of Islam." The battle against ISIS and other extremists will take more than military might, he said. It is an ideological war as well. Thus far, however, many English translations of the Quran have been ill- suited to foiling extremist ideology or introducing Americans to Islam.

Even after 9/1. 1, when interest surged and publishers rushed Qurans to the market, few of the 2. English are furnished with helpful footnotes or accessible prose.

Meanwhile, Christians or Jews may pick up a Quran and find their worst fears confirmed."I never advise a non- Muslim who wants to find out more about Islam to blindly grab the nearest copy of an English- language Quran they can find," Mehdi Hasan, a journalist for Al Jazeera, said during the panel discussion at Georgetown. Watch Granny Of The Dead Download on this page. Ten years in the making, "The Study Quran" is more than a rebuttal to terrorists, said Seyyed Hossein Nasr, an Iranian- born intellectual and the book's editor- in- chief.

His aim was to produce an accurate, unbiased translation understandable to English- speaking Muslims, scholars and general readers. The editors paid particular attention to passages that seem to condone bloodshed, explaining in extensive commentaries the context in which certain verses were revealed and written."The commentaries don't try to delete or hide the verses that refer to violence. We have to be faithful to the text, " said Nasr, a longtime professor at George Washington University.

But they can explain that war and violence were always understood as a painful part of the human condition."The scholar hopes his approach can convince readers that no part of the Quran sanctions the brutal acts of ISIS. The best way to counter extremism in modern Islam," he said, "is a revival of classical Islam." Translation wins plaudits from academics. At the Georgetown panel, after a musician played a Persian lute, Nasr introduced his hand- picked translation team as "his children." All are his former students and Muslims, the scholar said, a condition he set before signing the contract with the publisher, Harper. One. The book has been endorsed by an A- list of Muslim- American academics. One, Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, called it "perhaps the most important work done on the Islamic faith in the English language to date." Retailing at $6. The Study Quran" may be pricey for many readers, particularly the young Muslims its editors and publishers are keen to reach.

But Mark Tauber, Harper. One's senior vice president, said presales were strong enough that Harper. One recently printed 1. I don't know if we've ever reprinted a resource like this before it's gone on sale," Tauber said. The book was also expensive to produce, requiring outside funding from philanthropists such as King Abdullah II of Jordan and the El- Hibri Foundation, which promotes religious tolerance. The donations paid the salaries of three translators while they took sabbaticals from university jobs to spend six years digging into centuries of commentary on the Quran, Nasr said. On many pages of "The Study Quran," that commentary takes up more space than the verses, making the book resemble a Muslim version of the Jewish Talmud. Watch La Soga Streaming.

And for the first time in Islamic history, said Nasr, this Quran includes commentary from both Shiite and Sunni scholars, a small but significant step at a time when the two Muslim sects are warring in the Middle East. We hope this will be a small contribution to unity in the Islamic world."Quran is difficult to translate. In the aftermath of the Paris murders - - just as copies of "The Study Quran" were en route to bookstores, colleges and homes - - one U. S. presidential candidate said the government should register Muslims and monitor mosques.

Others said the United States should bar Syrian Muslim refugees. The message is clear: Muslims are different; they can't be trusted. Increasingly, many Americans agree. Watch Traders Online. According to a poll released by the Public Religion Research Institute this month, 5. Islamic and American values are not compatible. Understanding Islam, to a degree, means comprehending the Quran, which Muslims believe was revealed orally to the Prophet Mohammed 1,4.

But the book, which was originally written in Arabic, can be hard to grasp and is notoriously difficult to translate, with many words conveying multiple layers of meaning. The Quran itself says that some verses are clear, while others are allegorical, the ultimate interpretation known only to the Almighty.

Likewise, some passages are poetic, describing the grandeur of God and pleasures of paradise. Others detail how Mohammed captured territory and defended his new community, at times with force.

Those verses should be read literally and applied liberally, ISIS and other extremists argue. The editors of "The Study Quran" disagree. Questions about literal interpretation. ISIS presents itself as a return to the roots of the religion, back to a time when the Quran was the only guide for Mohammed and his companions - - no commentary, no debates. But its brand of Islam, known as Wahhabism, emerged in the 1.

It is a relative latecomer to the tradition and has always been a minority view among Muslims, scholars say. By contrast, early Muslims revered the Quran as the literal word of God but knew that not every verse should be interpreted literally. So disputes and commentary about sacred scripture are not a modern, liberal betrayal of Islamic tradition. They are the tradition. Still, those who argue that "Islam is a religion of peace" are wrong if they mean the faith is pacifist, said Caner Dagli, one of the editors and a scholar at the College of the Holy Cross in Massachusetts. The Quran does allow the justified use of force." Mohammed wasn't just God's messenger, Muslims believe.