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Joseph chiappalone Just another Word. Press site. October 2. NIBIRU 3. Those of us with our eyes even slightly opened can see that some rather dramatic and catastrophic things are impinging on our life. Such things as pollution of air, seas and land, GMO foodstuffs, injurious vaccines, massive climatic changes, fragmentation of economies, perennial wars, radioactive pollution, Chemtrails, degradation of standards of living, fracturing of minds, ever- increasing mental illness, social disorder, hatred, anger, abuse, sexual deviance, brutality, cruelty to animals, and the Earth, by rapacious, calamitous mining and fracking enterprises are but a few of the problems we see easily, even if we have no spiritual acumen. To go further, it is a time when many are receiving messages of an extraordinary kind. People suffering Near Death Experiences and Out- of- Body Experiences are reporting the same or similar occurrences for the near future, namely, Planetary Destruction.

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Research officially 'discovers' that all cancers are the same - and misses almost the whole story. Archives and past articles from the Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia Daily News, and

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Without invoking psychic capabilities, we can infer from observational coincidences by down- to- Earth people that something is going to happen to the planet. Deductive reasoning, of which we are capable, allows us to come to conclusions from astronomical data now easily obtained. There is a wealth of information, as you will see, just from the few videos I have posted below, that may lead one to the conclusion that something BIG is about to happen. If you have been a student of Ancient History and are aware of alternate views in Archeology, and are aware of possibilities described in the Sanskrit writings of bygone eras, you will know there is Precedence for destructive and sudden planetary change. Graham Hancock’s ‘Fingerprints of the Gods’ is a good starting point)What differs on this occasion, in this the Final Generation, is the fact that we are able to predict this calamity because we are more awakened to what is going on in the Heavens.

The Common Man can read and knows enough about Astrology, Mathematics, and Science to be able to deduce his own conclusions. In bygone eras, such talents were attributed to the “gods’ that visited the planet. They were of course, the more advanced visiting extraterrestrials, both Good and Evil.

Steve’s a baby realtor. Hey, it’s hard enough living on commish in a market nobody actually understands. So why is the industry actually making it harder? ENDTIME TIMETABLE This is a modified extract from my Members’ Post 34, dated August 2, 2015. Dr J Chiappalone. My Motto: “Take it or leave it”.

Need proof? Look at the Life and Astrological records of the Maya. That was NOT their work. That was the work of the ‘gods’ that lived with them for a while. The Mayans as a race, were feral, murderous, cannibalistic morons who dissipated once the ‘gods’ left. This assertion can be applied to Atlantis, the Egyptians, Sumerians, Altaics, Druids, the Hindu, etc., etc. In fact, it applies to any ancient group or race that appeared, inexplicably, to have advanced Knowledge and Science beyond its capabilities.

And that is why they receded to their natural moronic state once the Aliens who built such things as the Inca temples, The Pyramids, Stonehenge, etc., etc., left the scene. They are back of course, and are well entrenched into Humanity and into our Knowledge and Science. And of this fact we are awaiting Disclosure. FORM=VDREToday, it is the Aliens that have infiltrated Humanity who have given us the useful, as well as the destructive, knowledge and technology that plague Mankind. For example, if you trace the development of weapons and rockets from the Nazis to the USA, via Operation Paperclip, you will see the handwork of aliens everywhere. Operation_Paperclip. BTW, If you investigate this topic further and see videos with photos of Oppenheimer, the ‘father’ of the Atomic Bomb, you will see clearly a Class 5 demon in human form with distinguished reptilian features.

J._Robert_Oppenheimerhttp: //www. FORM=VDREApart from those points, we have extraterrestrials such as the Zeta Group warning us of a terminal event. And the Gnostic documents incorporated in parts of the Bible do the same. Although the latter have been distorted somewhat, we can deduct that the prophecies within them are about Earth’s termination. Just skip the idiocy attached to them by the Born Again Lunatics. Zeta Reticuli: http: //www. That someone like me was told in 1.

  • This is a list of people accompanied by verifiable source associating them with bipolar disorder (formerly known as "manic depression") based on their own public.
  • In 1995 Norwegian Geir Jensen described a wrist watch haptic device with a skin tap mechanism, termed Tap-in. It would connect to a mobile phone via Bluetooth.
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Many others are now spontaneously receiving psychic messages of similar events and timing. Conversely, many psychics who are fed by the Dark Side (and that includes the majority) have no idea about this at all.

And that is because they ARE fed information by the Dark Side which does not really want to reveal any of this. The New Agers, well aware of the data that I have gathered for you below, come up with their own version of BS and tell us the Earth is going to split in two, with the Goodies, which includes them, going to an Earthly Heaven and the baddies (who only recently they admitted exist) going to an Earthly Hell. In reality, they mean the baddies will stay on this Earth as it is.

Another version is that the Earth is dying so that matter and all life will be transformed into another Heavenly density. Only ‘god’ knows what that means, for it does not make any sense to anyone accept them on this level. I’m really embarrassed to even post a site of the Cultivated BS the Dark Side is feeding the gullible fools. But, its here for completeness: http: //www. Rapture_Aliens_ascension_New_Age. Having written all of the above, I must admit that some of you are picking up some catastrophic planetary event in 2. I was told Nibiru is to come.

Bear in mind what I said earlier about my information. It may not necessarily be accurate for the reasons I stated earlier. Ceres is due to come closer next year and could do a great deal of damage: http: //www.

G5. Qa. XRl. FL8ghttp: //www. B8s. GUuscx. UIf you have time investigated these sites to gain non- psychic knowledge of what appears to be coming. Realize that there is much conjecture of what happened in the past. Look at Nibiru’s path in relation to Earth at 1: 3. Bm. Pg. 9Gu. 0h. Schttp: //www. Fqq. ZVSvc. 0Who is playing dirty?   http: //m. DLWw. Vi. Ehv. X4http: //www.

Qlfm. 9c. 1dxg. The Zeta story again (comically): http: //www. Bzrq. HGp. JEhttp: //youtu. GR8dcb_k. Uxw. The death list grows; Astronomers being killed to maintain Nibiru Cover up:   http: //www. LTUCcnfn. WVg. Thee are many more videos available if you have the time.*The Ebola bubble gets bigger and bigger. Well, we all knew this was coming: http: //www. Many of you have corresponded with your thoughts. Let us make a network of like- minded individuals in these harrowing times.

Dear Dr. In regards to your past and present work you have given so many explanations as to how to refocus our minds to a ” Supra- Mental Consciousness, how to find our own Truth within and you have explained why this world is so evil. You are doing your best, however people need to take the time from this crazy virtual reality to listen.  My past experience has shown that sometimes people don’t want to know because they don’t want to take responsibility for themselves.  It requires work. You have also mentioned other reasons so very well in your books. You mentioned in one of your posts that there are now a few hundred Theomorphs left at this time as compared to a couple of thousand a few years ago.  What happened ?  Did they fall? Thanks again for sharing all of this information.

Gratitude, R. My Reply: Many of the civilian warriors who remained behind after the 1. Theomorphic evacuation to assist me in the Endtime have gone home.

They were in Class 4 (Human) and Class 3 (Animal). This is another confirming occurrence that the End is near. Some Class 4 (Human consciousnesses) had taken the opportunity to come into animal bodies – usually as pets to be near us – so as to be of assistance. They are less entangled in the tragic human Rat Race that way and are able to finish their work with less interruption. I know of some who were placed in human bodies as “walk- ins” only to find the Dark Side simultaneously placed a demon in the body which neutralized their effectiveness somewhat. When they are ineffective in that way, the warrior is usually recalled and that body manifests overt demonic traits.

Haptic technology - Wikipedia. Rumble packs for controllers, such as this Dreamcast Jump Pack, provide haptic feedback through user's hands. Haptic or kinesthetic communication recreates the sense of touch by applying forces, vibrations, or motions to the user.[1] This mechanical stimulation can be used to assist in the creation of virtual objects in a computer simulation, to control such virtual objects, and to enhance the remote control of machines and devices (telerobotics). Haptic devices may incorporate tactile sensors that measure forces exerted by the user on the interface. Most researchers distinguish three sensory systems related to sense of touch in humans: cutaneous, kinesthetic and haptic.[2][3] All perceptions mediated by cutaneous and/or kinesthetic sensibility are referred to as tactual perception.

The sense of touch may be classified as passive and active,[4] and the term "haptic" is often associated with active touch to communicate or recognize objects.[5]Haptic technology has made it possible to investigate how the human sense of touch works by allowing the creation of carefully controlled haptic virtual objects. The word haptic, from the Greek: ἁπτικός (haptikos), means "pertaining to the sense of touch" and comes from the Greek verb ἅπτεσθαιhaptesthai, meaning "to contact" or "to touch". History[edit]One of the earliest applications of haptic technology was in large aircraft that use servomechanism systems to operate control surfaces.[citation needed] Such systems tend to be "one- way", meaning external forces applied aerodynamically to the control surfaces are not perceived at the controls. Here, the missing normal forces are simulated with springs and weights. In lighter aircraft without servo systems, as the aircraft approached a stall the aerodynamic buffeting (vibrations) was felt in the pilot's controls. This was a useful warning of a dangerous flight condition. This control shake is not felt when servo control systems are used.

To replace this missing sensory cue, the angle of attack is measured and when it approaches the critical stall point, a stick shaker is engaged which simulates the response of a simpler control system. Alternatively, the servo force may be measured and the signal directed to a servo system on the control, known as force feedback. Force feedback has been implemented experimentally in some excavators and is useful when excavating mixed material such as large rocks embedded in silt or clay. It allows the operator to "feel" and work around unseen obstacles, enabling significant increases in productivity and less risk of damage to the machine.

The first US patent for a tactile telephone was granted to Thomas D. Shannon in 1. 97. An early tactile man- machine communication system was constructed by A.

Michael Noll at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. In 1. 99. 4, Aura Systems launched the Interactor Vest, a wearable force- feedback device that monitors an audio signal and uses Aura's patented electromagnetic actuator technology to convert bass sound waves into vibrations that can represent such actions as a punch or kick. The Interactor vest plugs into the audio output of a stereo, TV, or VCR and the user is provided with controls that allow for adjusting of the intensity of vibration and filtering out of high frequency sounds. The Interactor Vest is worn over the upper torso and the audio signal is reproduced through a speaker embedded in the vest.

After selling 4. 00,0. Interactor Vest, Aura began shipping the Interactor Cushion, a device which operates like the Vest but instead of being worn, it's placed against a seat back and the user must lean against it. Both the Vest and the Cushion were launched with a price tag of $9. In 1. 99. 5 Norwegian Geir Jensen described a wrist watch haptic device with a skin tap mechanism, termed Tap- in. It would connect to a mobile phone via Bluetooth. Tapping- frequency patterns would identify callers to a mobile and enable the wearer to respond by selected short messages.

It was submitted for a governmental innovation contest and received no award. It was not pursued or published until recovered in 2. The Tap- in device by Jensen was devised facing the user to avoid twisting of the wrist, see image.

It would adapt across all mobile phone and watch brands. In 2. 01. 5 Apple started to sell a wrist watch which included skin tap sensing of notifications and alerts to mobile phone of the watch wearer. Implementation[edit]Vibration[edit]The majority of electronics offering haptic feedback use vibrations, and most use a type of eccentric rotating mass (ERM) actuator, consisting of an unbalanced weight attached to a motor shaft. As the shaft rotates, the spinning of this irregular mass causes the actuator, and in turn, the attached device, to shake.

Some newer devices, such as Apple's notebooks and i. Phones featuring the "Taptic Engine", accomplish their vibrations with a linear resonant actuator (LRA), which moves a mass in a reciprocal manner by means of a magnetic voice coil, similar to how speaker technology translates DC electrical signals into motion of its speaker cone.

LRAs are capable of quicker response times than ERMs, and thus are able to transmit more accurate haptic imagery. Piezoelectric actuators are also employed to produce vibrations, and offer even more precise motion with less noise and in a smaller platform, but require higher voltages than the ERM and LRA implementations, and may be more fragile. Force Feedback[edit]Some devices use motors to manipulate the movement of a peripheral held by the user. A common use is in automobile driving video games and simulators, which turn the steering wheel to simulate forces found when cornering a real vehicle. In 2. 00. 7, Novint released the Falcon, the first consumer 3. D touch device with high resolution three- dimensional force feedback; this allowed the haptic simulation of objects, textures, recoil, momentum, and the physical presence of objects in games.[1.

Non- contact haptic technology[edit]Non- contact, or mid- air, haptic technology utilizes the sense of touch without physical contact of a device. This type of feedback involves interactions with a system that are in a 3. D space around the user. Watch Cold Deck Online. Thus, the user is able to perform actions on a system in the absence of holding a physical input device. Air vortex rings[edit]Air vortex rings are donut- shaped air pockets that are concentrated gusts of air.

Focused air vortices can have the force to blow out a candle or disturb papers from a few yards away. Two specific companies have done research using air vortices as a source for non- contact haptic feedback.[citation needed]Disney research[edit]In 2. Watch Everly Dailymotion here. Disney worked on a technology they called AIREAL.

This system delivered non- contact haptic feedback through the use of air vortex rings. According to Disney, AIREAL helps users experience textures and "touch" virtual 3. D objects in free space. This is all without the need for a glove or any other type of physical haptic feedback.

Disney took on this research because they believed that technology is advancing towards more virtual or augmented reality applications. According to Disney, the missing piece in this emerging computer- augmented world is the absence of physical feeling of virtual objects. Disney's main intention for this research was to encourage other research regarding new applications of non- contact haptic feedback.[1.

Microsoft[edit]In 2. Microsoft explored the same area as Disney. They used air vortex rings in order to try and provide haptic feedback for an at- a- distance interaction. Microsoft mostly focused on the study of vortex formation theory and parameters that will provide the most effective air vortex ring that will impart haptic feedback onto the user. Microsoft concluded that in order to get the best experience from the air vortex rings, the aperture size that produces the rings does not constrain the design. However, the L/D Ratio is the most useful measurement.